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Dissociation Declaratory Diese Seite wurde übersetzt von Mary Joyce

On the 12th of May 1998, the District Court in Hamburg passed a sentence resulting in, when a Link is opened, one also has to take full responsibility for the contents within the Link. This can only be avoided (according to the District Court) by declaring an dissociation from the contents involed. I have changed my Linkpage to other pages on the Internet.

For all these Linkpages: I want to declare that I don't have any Influence on the formation or the contents in these pages.

Therefore I am dissociating myself from all Linkpages on this Homepage and emphasizing that the contents within, are not mine. This clarification is for all Links on this Homepage and for all the contents within these pages, as for all applied Banners and Links.

If illegal, hostility towards children, glorifying violence, hostility towards foreigners or discrimination appears on my Domain Linkpages, please inform me immediately so that I can eliminate the relevant Link.

Also I would like to point out, that not all pictures that are shown on this Homepage are actually what they seem to be. These are results from an Photomontage that I created myself. It's up to you if you want to believe everything that you see. I would recommend that you trust your own commensense.

Stutensee, August 2005
